London Ramblers Basketball – Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct

The following Code of Conduct is designed to enhance and support player development.  It is the responsibility of families to ensure that these rules are adhered to create a positive, constructive, and professional environment for the entire basketball community.

  1. I will ensure that my child arrives at all games and practices on time to the best of my ability.
  2. I will ensure that all team fees are paid in a timely fashion, to the best of my ability.
  3. I will remember that children and youth participate in sport for their enjoyment, not my own.
  4. I will refrain from coaching players from the sideline during games and practices.
  5. I will ensure that all communication with coaches occurs at least 24 hours after any game.
  6. I will communicate with coaches about any injury that my child sustains, read, and understand Rowan’s Law protocols, adhere to OBA ‘s/Ramblers Basketball’s concussion policy and follow the advice of a physician when determining when the athlete is ready to return to play or practice.
  7. I understand that language used to manipulate, insult, ridicule, humiliate, control, or exhibit disrespect constitutes verbal abuse and violates both this Code of Conduct and the OBA’s Behaviour Guidelines for spectators. I will refrain from making negative comments to players, coaches, the scorers’ table, and game officials.
  8. I understand that spectator misbehaviour, including verbal abuse, is grounds for the barring of individuals from all Ramblers sites and events and may also result in the removal of a player from his or her team. I also understand that spectator misbehaviour can result in team suspension, as well as sanctions and fines against London Ramblers Basketball under Ontario Basketball’s Fair Flay Policy and Procedures. I agree to indemnify London Ramblers Basketball for any club fine incurred because of my behavior.  I also understand that failure to indemnify London Ramblers Basketball for any such fine will result in the removal of my son or daughter from his or her team.
  9. From time to time, parents have issues with coaches that need to be addressed. I understand that issues are most effectively managed when they are dealt with during the season, giving individuals a chance to address problems and concerns.  I understand that I should communicate my concerns, first, to the coach in question, and that if the issue remains unresolved, I should take my concerns to the Technical Director’s before the season’s end.

I have read and understand the content, requirements, and expectations of the Code of Conduct for Parents as set out above.  I have a copy of the Code of Conduct and agree to abide by its provisions at all games, practices, tournaments, and other events that I attend as a London Ramblers Basketball parent.  I understand that if I have questions regarding this policy, I will consult London Ramblers Basketball.