Boys Under 9
Eligibility: Grade 3 – Born in 2016 – For 2024/25 Season
Description: The team will practice twice per week. They usually participate in OBL league play and register in 1 or 2 tournaments or exhibition weekends to establish a ranking for Provincial/OBA Championships. The season starts in mid – September and ends in March.
Disclaimer: The coaches with the clubs support will ultimately decide the best course of competition for the season based on the end result at tryouts. The above description of the season is a basic outline.
Cost: Will be determined once the team is finalized and information becomes available to us from various leagues and organizations – Estimated fees will be between $850 – $1500 per player based on the description above. Price varies depending on age group (older the age group usually means higher fees), number of tournaments/leagues entered, number of players per team and practice locations.
Uniform: 2 jerseys and 2 pairs of shorts – $180 – The players keep their uniforms. This is a cost on top of the registration fees listed above and are ordered directly through Source teamworks in London.
Tryouts: Will take place in early September. There are no fees to tryout. Dates, times and locations will be posted on our website and social media outlets in mid-August.
Payments: Fees are due at the competitive registration day in October at St. Andre Bessette H.S.
Coaches Contact: Click Here
Try Out Information: Click Here
Practice Nights: TBD